Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 1- Cross core Combat

Cross Core Combat

First thing I need to mention about this workout program is that I got excited to know that this program trains you like a fighter. While it does not turn you in to a fighter, it gets you in shape and you'll walk around feeling like one. When you feel like you can stand up to any challenge that comes your way, nothing is going to stop you from reaching your goals.

On to the workout-

This workout was a great cardiovascular and core engagement style workout. Pretty much every move hit my jigglyness I hope to soon call abs in some way shape or form. I love the knee strikes, dropping elbows, and throwing hay maker punches. I'm having a brawl in my own living room!

Between the planks, pop-ups, and knee strikes I could tell that my tri-ceps and core were going to be in for some pain the next day. Learned later in the day that it wouldn't take that long!

That little resistance band you see in the picture at first gave me a little concern because of how small it is. I have other bands that are heavier so I pulled them out just in case I needed to up the load, but used the one that came with the program while I was learning the moves. Man was I glad that I didn't try and go all He-Man on it on the first day because that little red band provided more then enough resistance for the workout. The workout ends with a killer move called "Grinders". Sorry, I stuttered a little bit typing that in there. This move is a pushup/tuck-in combo that has you start out with 10 wide pushups straight into 10 tuck ins. Right from there you go to 9 narrow pushups and 9 tuckins. Back and forth between wide and narrow po-zish all the way down to 1. Yea I had to pause the dvd at that point. Couldn't finish it without stopping but I did want to finish. I got done with that workout and felt accomplished. Not that I was able to do what they were on the screen were doing, but that I gave it my all and had a blast doing it. I couldn't wait to get to the next workout.

Side note: I started eating better a few days before the program. Although it's not what most consider the ideal diet, it's far better than what I was eating out of my food pyramid which pretty much was a box that had pizza, reese's, macaroni and cheese, and a toasted PBJ sandwhich. I have been eating every 2-4 hours in the form of 3-4 meals and 2 snacks a day with a lot of water.

ABS are made in the kitchen, defined in the workout. (Not sure who said that but they're pretty dang smart)


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